Monday 18 August 2014

Elisabeth Higgins O'Connor

Elisabeth Higgins O'Connor makes these highly expressive textile sculptures of an unexpected mix of scraps and typical household textile. These are really weird and unusual. I haven't seen products like this before!

All images are from

Summer Holiday product research for a future project!

Frédérique Morrel

Frédérique Morrel. Tapestry. Vintage Textiles. Taxidermy. Art.

French artist Frédérique Morrel has a mission to rescue the dying art of embroidery by giving it a contemporary twist. 

Deer, unicorn, foxes and bunnies shed their hides in exchange for a new skin of vintage tapestries to become esoteric and wonderfully original pieces.

Images found on Google images

i love the mixture of patterns in these pieces, there is lots going on which make them exciting and interesting to look at.
Summer holiday product research for a future project!


Own Images

Own Images

Own images

Own images

Roses in my garden - visual research :)


Own image :)

Own image :)

Own image :)

Own image :)

Own image :)

Own image :)